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Welcome to TOPC!

Welcome! We are a family of those who follow Christ, and we hope you will experience his love through us. We want you to feel warmly welcomed into the life of our church. Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church strives faithfully to employ the Word, Sacraments, and prayer to shine the spotlight on Christ, resulting in the “gathering and perfecting of the saints, in this life, to the end of the world.” 


Sunday School for all ages - Various classrooms
(Nursery Available)
Coffee Time - Fellowship Hall
Worship Service in the Sanctuary
(Nursery Available)

Why Worship?

Public worship is a meeting of our Triune God with His people. Christians come to participate in worship rather than to be entertained (Romans 12:1). God Himself, who promises to be present with us, is the one Audience (Deuteronomy 6:13; Luke 4:8). The goal of public worship, and of each element of it, is the glory of God, as He walks us through the Good News each Lord’s Day. Therefore, even though worshipers enjoy and benefit from worship, our purpose is to exalt God and not to please people.

Children in Worship

Parents are encouraged to keep their children in the sanctuary and guide them  through worship, as this disciples the next generation to proclaim the greatness of our God. It is a blessing to have the sound of children in the church pews! Children’s activity papers are available on the ministry desks between the main Sanctuary doors.

Nursery is available for children up to age 4. A Cry Room is also available in the balcony of the sanctuary.  For more information on our children's ministries, click  here.

Children's Church is available for children Pre-K to 1st Grade.  Children will be dismissed from the service right before the sermon and will be met outside the front of the Sanctuary to walk together to Room 207/Whale Room.

Special Assistance in Worship

ASL interpretation is provided for the worship service.  We also have a ministry to children and young adults with special needs. Please call the church office at 636-861-1870 for more details on either of these programs.

Inquirer's Class

If you are visiting us for the first time, or have been regularly attending for a while, come get to know us more at the next Inquirers Class!  The Christian faith is a reasonable faith, drawn from a reasoned understanding of the Bible. Join our Lead Pastor, Russ St. John, to learn more about Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church, what we believe the Bible teaches, and how you can be a part of our church family.

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