The Twin Oaks women’s ministry exists to encourage all women to grow in their love of Christ through: teaching the Word, building intimacy and true fellowship with one another in Christ, and identifying and using their gifts for the glory of God, the edification of His church, and the extension of His kingdom. Click HERE for more details on Women's ministries.

At Twin Oaks, we are committed to providing opportunities for men to study the Bible, serve the church and other local ministries, and fellowship with each for encouragement in Christ. Learn more HERE.

If you are 55 plus and haven’t joined the TOPC Golden Oaks, you are missing out. Come join the fun activities and great fellowship! Just call Barb Harry at 314-757-2036 or email her at jim-barb-harry@sbcglobal.net to put your name on the contact list. You will receive information about all our activities. If you’d like to help plan activities, we would love your input!
Sunday School
Sunday Mornings: 9-10AM
- From Prophetic Shadows to Gospel Reality: Matthew's Christ - Explore how the Gospel of Matthew reveals Jesus as the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies and types. This class will delve into Matthew’s unique perspective on Christ’s identity, mission, and kingdom, connecting prophetic shadows to the glorious reality of New Testament fulfillment. Dale Brueggemann will teach this class in the Lecture Hall.
- Biblical Peacemaking : It is no surprise that we make conflict and receive conflict. Whether with friends, family, or fellow congregants, conflict is common. Thankfully, the Bible commonly speaks of truths and steps for biblical peacemaking. Using Ken Sande's book, The Peacemaker, as a guide, this class will help us all fulfill Romans 12:8, "If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all." This class meets in the Reception Hall and is taught by Rev. David Barnes and various other teachers.
Worship & Music
The Worship and Music Ministry exists to glorify God by using music to invoke worship, thanksgiving, and to edify the saints. We invite you to rejoice with us as we serve the Lord and His people with the musical gifts He has entrusted to us. We hope you will join our family of worship leaders. You can be involved by serving in the Sanctuary Choir, Praise Team, Sanctuary Orchestra, or Handbell Choir. Please sign up HERE. For more information, contact the Worship and Music Ministry Office at 636-861-1870.

Community Groups
"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage on another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:24-25
We need one another. The Christian life is not meant to be lived in isolation because God created us for community. Christian community enlivens us and grows us. Plus, living in community shines a spotlight on Jesus, our Savior, because He is our rescuer and unifier. We worship weekly as a large body of believers, but we also meet regularly in smaller groups to pray, study the Bible, and care for one another. To get connected to a Community Group click HERE.
We need one another. The Christian life is not meant to be lived in isolation because God created us for community. Christian community enlivens us and grows us. Plus, living in community shines a spotlight on Jesus, our Savior, because He is our rescuer and unifier. We worship weekly as a large body of believers, but we also meet regularly in smaller groups to pray, study the Bible, and care for one another. To get connected to a Community Group click HERE.
Special Needs - Oaks Too
Oaks Too is a ministry to children and young adults with special needs, as well as a support to their families. In the classroom, we sing, read a Bible story, recite a memory verse or some catechism questions. We seek to teach of God's great love. If you think you may be interested in volunteering, please feel free to stop by Room 217 any Sunday to observe. You can also talk to Irene Jones, Lynn Hassett, Rose Bentley or Marlene Wise for more information. Please contact the church office at 636-861-1870 if your family would like to utilize this program.
Life Team
The mission of the Twin Oaks PCA Life Team is to equip and encourage the membership and missionaries of Twin Oaks PCA to become gospel-driven, life-affirming champions of the sanctity of human life. We do this by 1) steeping ourselves in the gospel, 2) integrating life issues into the church’s ministries and outreach, and 3) serving the church by teaching, facilitating, engaging, encouraging, and equipping. For life resources and information on the life team, click HERE.